Census 2021 Data
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PL21 9JG
Priory Close, Ivybridge, South Hams, Devon
South HamsSouth Hams District
PL21 9JG is a suburban enclave with excellent schools, Well-suited for a relaxed lifestyle where smaller houses or bungalows make up most of the housing, exceptionally well-connected for commuters, and is a well-policed and peaceful area. This postcode is with shopping options within a short drive, where hospital access is less convenient, and offering fewer high-income opportunities. This postcode is one of the safest areas in the region.
Ivybridge, South Hams, Devon
Key Stats
Male: 81, Female: 79
Household Income
UK average: £38,100 (Jul 23)

Postcode Sector


Population Density

Average Income
Per household
8 / 10
Crime & Safety
10 / 10
8 / 10
What does Census 2021 data tell us about PL21 9JG?
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Where is PL21 9JG?
Approximate address:
Priory Close, Ivybridge, South Hams, Devon
The postcode PL21 9JG is located in the South Hams area, part of the South Hams District district, and classed as a Urban: City and Town area.
PL21 9JG is a neighbourhood in part of a smaller city or town, with a mix of residential and business zones.
Note: demographic statistics are based on LSOA (E01020166) and OA (E00102134) output area data from the Census 2021, published by the Office for National Statistics, and are based on a best-fit model.

South Hams
50.390618, -3.931751
262779, 0056310
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
South West Devon
Local Authority
South Hams
Population Density
6,682 km²
50.390618, -3.931751
262779, 0056310
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
South West Devon
Local Authority
South Hams
Population Density
6,682 km²
Area Codes
Output area: E00102134
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
C1 - Urban: City and Town
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
C1 - Urban: City and Town

Who lives in the PL21 9JG neighbourhood? Our system analyses 100+ factors to determine who lives here.
AB Social Score
This postcode has a significant proportion of residents in higher managerial or professional roles, contributing to a more affluent community profile.
AB social grade score is calculated from Census 21 data, reporting people who have higher and intermediate managerial, admin and professional occupations.
Education Score
With an Education Score of 4/10, tPL21 9JG shows a growing presence of residents with higher qualifications, indicating moderate educational attainment.
This score is based on educational factors, including the highest level of qualifications per output area as reported in Census 2021 statistics.
Credit Status Score
With a Credit Status Score of 9/10, this area boasts excellent credit ratings, indicative of a prosperous community with strong financial health and economic stability.
Based on average credit rating by local authority, adjusted and weighted with factors including unemployment, crime, deprivation, and income.
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Find out more about the people who live in PL21 9JG from Census 2021 data.

Property Scorecard
What types of properties are in the PL21 9JG neighbourhood, and how valuable are homes in this area?
Housing Affordability Score
Scoring 8/10 in Housing Affordability, this postcode offers very favourable conditions for buyers, where the cost of housing is comfortably matched by average household incomes.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus property prices.
Rental Affordability Score
Renters in PL21 9JG benefit from strong affordability, with housing costs comfortably matched to local incomes, easing the financial burden on households.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus rental prices in this local authority.
Yield Potential Score
Investors may find limited appeal here, as property yields are below average, making it challenging to achieve substantial returns on investment.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Transport Scorecard
How easy is it to travel to and from the PL21 9JG postcode?
Transport Score
Transport access is outstanding in PL21 9JG, with frequent public transport services and plenty of parking, providing seamless connectivity for residents and commuters.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
Commuting Score
Most residents in PL21 9JG enjoy reasonable commuting distances, with access to nearby work hubs and shorter travel times for many.
Score derived from Census 2021 data regarding commuting distances. Higher scores may indicate work hubs and major industries are closer, meaning shorter commuting times.
Car Ownership Score
Car availability is moderate in PL21 9JG, with a reasonable number of households having access to one vehicle, while others may rely on alternative modes of transport.
Awaiting data and analysis
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Amenities Scorecard
What amenities and leisure facilities are available near the PL21 9JG postcode?
Green Spaces Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the number, size and population per park within the LSOA neighbourhood area.
Shopping Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the availability of supermarkets, shopping centres and other amenities in this neighbourhood radius.
Fitness & Leisure Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Education Scorecard
What are the local schools and further education like?
Educational Attainment Score
Educational attainment in this area is below average, with a mix of residents holding Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications, such as GCSEs or equivalent.
Educational attainment scores are calculated from Census 2021 data by resident's (age 16+) highest level of qualification.
Childcare Score
A wide selection of childcare facilities is available locally, giving families easy access to quality services, including preschools and childminders.
Based on proximity, availability and accessibility of local childminders, pre-schools and childcare establishments within travel distance.
Further Education Score
A moderate selection of further education establishments is accessible, though students may still need to travel outside the area for a wider choice.
Based on availability and proximity to further education establishments nearby, including six-forms, colleges and universities.
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Nearby Postcodes & Towns
Want to discover more information locally? Here's a list of neighbouring postcodes:
The following towns and cities are located near to PL21 9JG:
South Brent
Population 2,559
South Brent, located in Devon, is a vibrant village known for its scenic countryside, friendly community, and traditional pubs offering a taste of authentic British charm.
Distance: 2.2 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 11,851
Situated in the picturesque county of Devon, Ivybridge is a market town surrounded by stunning countryside, offering a perfect balance of rural beauty and urban convenience for those looking to settle in a peaceful yet vibrant community in the South West of England.
Distance: 2.5 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 1,372
Modbury, a bustling market town in Devon, offers a perfect blend of historic charm and modern amenities, with its vibrant community, stunning countryside views, and convenient access to both the coast and Dartmoor National Park.
Distance: 4.1 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 3,326
Buckfastleigh, located in Devon, is a bustling market town with a vibrant community, stunning countryside views, and a strong sense of history, making it a perfect blend of traditional charm and modern amenities for anyone looking to settle down in the South West of England.
Distance: 6.7 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 1,677
Located in Devon, Yealmpton is a quaint village with a rich history, friendly community, stunning countryside views, and a vibrant local market showcasing the best of rural British life.
Distance: 7.2 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 8,076
A thriving, and almost eccentric market town on the banks of the River Dart, Totnes has a reputation for attracting a diverse, creative community. It is renowned for being home to many alternative therapists.
Distance: 8.4 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 6,116
A market town at the north end of the Salcombe Estuary, and set in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Kingsbridge is home to an excellent selection of independent retailers, pubs, restaurants and cafes.
Distance: 9.1 mi