Census 2021 Data
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Rodway Hill, Cannington
SedgemoorSedgemoor District
TA5 2PJ is a peaceful rural neighbourhood, Popular with those seeking a peaceful retirement with mainly smaller homes and flats, offering a mix of travel options, and is with a strong sense of safety. This postcode is providing an average selection of retail options, where access to healthcare facilities is more restricted, and noted for higher than average unemployment levels.
Key Stats
Male: 24, Female: 23
Household Income
UK average: £38,100 (Jul 23)

Postcode Sector


Population Density

Average Income
Per household
8 / 10
Crime & Safety
8 / 10
7 / 10
What does Census 2021 data tell us about TA5 2PJ?
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Where is TA5 2PJ?
Approximate address:
Rodway Hill, Cannington
The postcode TA5 2PJ is located in the Sedgemoor area, part of the Sedgemoor District district, and classed as a Rural: Town and Fringe area.
The postcode TA5 2PJ is on the outskirts of a town, offering a blend of rural and urban characteristics. Often small towns or villages with a relatively low population, the local commerce in this part of Sedgemoor typically relies on a mix of agriculture, small-scale industry and local services. There is usually a presence of commuting residents who work in nearby urban towns and cities.
Due to it's proximity to the natural environment, areas like TA5 2PJ in Sedgemoor are usually attractive for outdoor activities and a quieter lifestyle. A strong sense of community is typical, with residents who have lived in the vicinity for years, fostering close-knit relationships.
Note: demographic statistics are based on LSOA (E01029122) and OA (E00148328) output area data from the Census 2021, published by the Office for National Statistics, and are based on a best-fit model.

51.157021, -3.064658
325641, 0140291
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
Bridgwater and West Somerset
Local Authority
Population Density
246 km²
51.157021, -3.064658
325641, 0140291
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
Bridgwater and West Somerset
Local Authority
Population Density
246 km²
Area Codes
Output area: E00148328
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
D1 - Rural: Town and Fringe
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
D1 - Rural: Town and Fringe

Who lives in the TA5 2PJ neighbourhood? Our system analyses 100+ factors to determine who lives here.
AB Social Score
This postcode has a significant proportion of residents in higher managerial or professional roles, contributing to a more affluent community profile.
AB social grade score is calculated from Census 21 data, reporting people who have higher and intermediate managerial, admin and professional occupations.
Education Score
An Education Score of 3/10 reflects a modest proportion of residents with higher educational qualifications, within a community with varied educational backgrounds.
This score is based on educational factors, including the highest level of qualifications per output area as reported in Census 2021 statistics.
Credit Status Score
With a Credit Status Score of 6/10, TA5 2PJ shows reasonably good credit health, with residents generally maintaining stable financial profiles and lower risks of default.
Based on average credit rating by local authority, adjusted and weighted with factors including unemployment, crime, deprivation, and income.
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Find out more about the people who live in TA5 2PJ from Census 2021 data.

Property Scorecard
What types of properties are in the TA5 2PJ neighbourhood, and how valuable are homes in this area?
Housing Affordability Score
Scoring 8/10 in Housing Affordability, this postcode offers very favourable conditions for buyers, where the cost of housing is comfortably matched by average household incomes.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus property prices.
Rental Affordability Score
Rental prices are particularly affordable here, with most residents finding that their income allows them to rent comfortably without stretching their budget.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus rental prices in this local authority.
Yield Potential Score
Yields in TA5 2PJ are significantly low, offering little in the way of profitable returns after accounting for property prices and upkeep.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Transport Scorecard
How easy is it to travel to and from the TA5 2PJ postcode?
Transport Score
The TA5 2PJ postcode offers a fair level of transport convenience, with moderate access to buses, trains, and parking, providing a reasonable level of connectivity.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
Commuting Score
Most residents in TA5 2PJ enjoy reasonable commuting distances, with access to nearby work hubs and shorter travel times for many.
Score derived from Census 2021 data regarding commuting distances. Higher scores may indicate work hubs and major industries are closer, meaning shorter commuting times.
Car Ownership Score
Households in TA5 2PJ generally have access to at least one car, offering a balanced mix between car owners and those who rely on public transport.
Awaiting data and analysis
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Amenities Scorecard
What amenities and leisure facilities are available near the TA5 2PJ postcode?
Green Spaces Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the number, size and population per park within the LSOA neighbourhood area.
Shopping Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the availability of supermarkets, shopping centres and other amenities in this neighbourhood radius.
Fitness & Leisure Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Education Scorecard
What are the local schools and further education like?
Educational Attainment Score
Many in the TA5 2PJ postcode have low levels of education, typically achieving no more than Level 1 qualifications, suggesting limited formal education.
Educational attainment scores are calculated from Census 2021 data by resident's (age 16+) highest level of qualification.
Childcare Score
Families in TA5 2PJ benefit from a good range of childcare options, with enough services available locally to meet most needs without excessive travel.
Based on proximity, availability and accessibility of local childminders, pre-schools and childcare establishments within travel distance.
Further Education Score
The TA5 2PJ area provides a decent range of further education options, including local colleges and sixth forms, offering an average level of access for residents.
Based on availability and proximity to further education establishments nearby, including six-forms, colleges and universities.
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Nearby Postcodes & Towns
Want to discover more information locally? Here's a list of neighbouring postcodes:
The following towns and cities are located near to TA5 2PJ:
Population 41,276
Nestled along the picturesque River Parrett, Bridgwater combines a rich history as a trading port with vibrant modern amenities, offering a blend of traditional architecture, lively markets, and beautiful parks to enjoy a relaxed and welcoming lifestyle in the heart of Somerset.
Distance: 1.3 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
North Petherton
Population 3,142
Located in Somerset, North Petherton offers a peaceful village life with a strong sense of community, beautiful surrounding countryside, and convenient access to nearby towns such as Bridgwater and Taunton for all your everyday needs.
Distance: 1.4 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 2,002
Cannington, situated in Somerset, is a quaint village with a rich history, beautiful scenery, and a close-knit community perfect for those looking for a peaceful and idyllic place to call home in the heart of the English countryside.
Distance: 3.4 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 1,686
Westonzoyland, located in the picturesque county of Somerset, boasts a rich history dating back to the Domesday Book, with its quaint village feel, stunning countryside views, and friendly community making it a perfect place to settle down and enjoy a peaceful rural lifestyle.
Distance: 3.8 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 1,678
Puriton, located in Somerset, is a picturesque village with a strong sense of community, offering a peaceful countryside setting while also being conveniently situated for easy access to nearby towns and cities.
Distance: 4 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 2,115
Woolavington in Somerset is a tight-knit community with a strong sense of history, boasting picturesque countryside views, a welcoming village pub, and a range of local amenities perfect for those looking for a peaceful rural lifestyle.
Distance: 4.7 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 1,133
Huntspill in Somerset is a quaint village with a strong community spirit, offering a peaceful countryside setting for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy a slower pace surrounded by picturesque landscapes.
Distance: 6.2 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Monkton Heathfield
Population 1,519
Monkton Heathfield, located in Somerset, offers a peaceful countryside setting with excellent schools, friendly community events, and easy access to nearby amenities in Taunton, making it a great place to raise a family and enjoy a relaxed way of life.
Distance: 6.2 mi