Census 2021 Data
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PO18 9AJ
West Sussex, England
ChichesterChichester District (B)
PO18 9AJ is a rural neighbourhood, Well-suited for a relaxed lifestyle featuring an assortment of house styles, offering solid public transport connections, and is one of the safer districts. This postcode is an area with minimal retail convenience, where hospital access is less convenient, and offering fewer high-income opportunities.
West Sussex, England
Key Stats
Male: 2, Female: 5
Household Income
UK average: £38,100 (Jul 23)

Postcode Sector


Population Density

Average Income
Per household
6 / 10
Crime & Safety
8 / 10
6 / 10
What does Census 2021 data tell us about PO18 9AJ?
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Where is PO18 9AJ?
The postcode PO18 9AJ is located in the Chichester area, part of the Chichester District (B) district, and classed as a Rural: Village area.
PO18 9AJ is a postcode within a small, rural village with a close-knit community and a slower pace of life. Expect a close-knit community with limited urban amenities but a strong sense of local identity and possibly scenic surroundings.
Note: demographic statistics are based on LSOA (E01031506) and OA (E00160679) output area data from the Census 2021, published by the Office for National Statistics, and are based on a best-fit model.

50.856855, -0.812331
483692, 0107043
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
Local Authority
Population Density
54 km²
50.856855, -0.812331
483692, 0107043
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
Local Authority
Population Density
54 km²
Area Codes
Output area: E00160679
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
E1 - Rural: Village
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
E1 - Rural: Village

Who lives in the PO18 9AJ neighbourhood? Our system analyses 100+ factors to determine who lives here.
AB Social Score
With a score of 9/10, PO18 9AJ boasts a high concentration of residents in higher managerial or professional roles, indicative of a highly affluent area.
AB social grade score is calculated from Census 21 data, reporting people who have higher and intermediate managerial, admin and professional occupations.
Education Score
With an Education Score of 6/10, this postcode has a noticeable presence of residents with higher qualifications, reflecting above-average educational attainment.
This score is based on educational factors, including the highest level of qualifications per output area as reported in Census 2021 statistics.
Credit Status Score
Scoring 8/10 in Credit Status, this PO18 9AJ is characterised by very good credit scores, reflecting a financially secure community with minimal economic difficulties.
Based on average credit rating by local authority, adjusted and weighted with factors including unemployment, crime, deprivation, and income.
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Property Scorecard
What types of properties are in the PO18 9AJ neighbourhood, and how valuable are homes in this area?
Housing Affordability Score
With a Housing Affordability Score of 6/10, PO18 9AJ is relatively affordable, where property costs are reasonable compared to the income levels of local residents.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus property prices.
Rental Affordability Score
Renting in PO18 9AJ is relatively affordable, as rental prices are fairly in line with what households earn, offering a reasonable cost of living.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus rental prices in this local authority.
Yield Potential Score
Yields in PO18 9AJ are significantly low, offering little in the way of profitable returns after accounting for property prices and upkeep.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Transport Scorecard
How easy is it to travel to and from the PO18 9AJ postcode?
Transport Score
Transport options are readily available in PO18 9AJ, with frequent bus services, accessible parking, and convenient train stations, making travel relatively easy.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
Commuting Score
Residents in PO18 9AJ typically enjoy short commutes, with work hubs and industries located nearby, making daily travel to work easy and convenient.
Score derived from Census 2021 data regarding commuting distances. Higher scores may indicate work hubs and major industries are closer, meaning shorter commuting times.
Car Ownership Score
Most households have access to one or more cars, reflecting a higher reliance on personal vehicles for commuting and travel, particularly in less urban areas.
Awaiting data and analysis
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Amenities Scorecard
What amenities and leisure facilities are available near the PO18 9AJ postcode?
Green Spaces Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the number, size and population per park within the LSOA neighbourhood area.
Shopping Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the availability of supermarkets, shopping centres and other amenities in this neighbourhood radius.
Fitness & Leisure Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Education Scorecard
What are the local schools and further education like?
Educational Attainment Score
The community shows above-average educational attainment, with a significant proportion of residents having Level 3 qualifications or apprenticeships, suggesting a well-educated workforce.
Educational attainment scores are calculated from Census 2021 data by resident's (age 16+) highest level of qualification.
Childcare Score
While not abundant, childcare services are accessible to some extent, with a moderate number of options, though families may need to plan ahead.
Based on proximity, availability and accessibility of local childminders, pre-schools and childcare establishments within travel distance.
Further Education Score
A strong selection of further education options is available in PO18 9AJ, with nearby colleges, sixth forms, and possibly universities, giving residents plenty of choices.
Based on availability and proximity to further education establishments nearby, including six-forms, colleges and universities.
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Nearby Postcodes & Towns
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Population 3,269
Tangmere, located in West Sussex, is a peaceful village with a strong sense of community, offering a quiet and picturesque setting for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
Distance: 1.5 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Mid Lavant
Population 1,349
Mid Lavant, located in West Sussex, is a quaint village known for its picturesque countryside, friendly community atmosphere, and easy access to nearby cities like Chichester, making it an ideal place to settle down and enjoy a peaceful English lifestyle.
Distance: 1.9 mi
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Population 28,657
Nestled in the heart of West Sussex, Chichester boasts a rich history dating back to Roman times, Georgian architecture, a lively arts scene, stunning countryside on its doorstep, and a vibrant community that truly appreciates the finer things in life.
Distance: 2.5 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 9,783
Located in West Sussex, Westergate is a village with a strong sense of community, beautiful green spaces, and convenient access to nearby towns like Chichester, making it an ideal place to settle down and enjoy a peaceful, countryside lifestyle.
Distance: 3.5 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 2,623
Bosham, located in West Sussex, is a picturesque coastal village steeped in history, with its beautiful quay, ancient church, and quaint cottages creating a serene and idyllic setting for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
Distance: 5.4 mi
Nearest Postcode Areas:
Population 1,166
Birdham, located in West Sussex, is a quaint village known for its picturesque countryside, cottages, and tranquil atmosphere, making it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Distance: 5.9 mi
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Bognor Regis
Population 63,885
Bognor Regis is a seaside resort developed in the late 18th century, and was originally a smuggling village. With the arrival of the railway in 1864, the town grew rapidly. In the late 20th centuriy the town saw significant redevelopment of its high street and residential areas.
Distance: 6.1 mi
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Yapton, located in West Sussex, is a quaint village filled with picturesque countryside views, friendly locals, and a strong sense of community spirit that makes it a perfect place to settle down and enjoy a peaceful way of life.
Distance: 6.2 mi