Census 2021 Data
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AB54 4LX
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
AB54 4LX is a growing local hub, A good choice for young families a location with a dense concentration of smaller properties, offering basic commuting options, and is a place where crime is more noticeable. This postcode is noted for its quieter retail scene, offering fewer healthcare options, and facing some economic difficulties.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Key Stats
-Data not available for Scotland
Male: N/a, Female: N/a
Household Income
£-Data not available for Scotland
UK average: £38,100 (Jul 23)

Postcode Sector


Population Density

Average Income
Per household
What does Census 2021 data tell us about AB54 4LX?
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Where is AB54 4LX?
The postcode AB54 4LX is located in the Aberdeenshire area, part of the Aberdeenshire district, and classed as a Remote Rural Area area.
Note: demographic statistics are based on LSOA (S01007004) and OA (S00091190) output area data from the Census 2021, published by the Office for National Statistics, and are based on a best-fit model.

57.325908, -2.814607
351046, 0826445
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
Local Authority
Population Density
57.325908, -2.814607
351046, 0826445
Grid Ref
Parliamentary Constituency
Local Authority
Population Density
Area Codes
Output area: S00091190
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
7 - Remote Rural Area
OA Code
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Rural/Urban Code
7 - Remote Rural Area

Who lives in the AB54 4LX neighbourhood? Our system analyses 100+ factors to determine who lives here.
AB Social Score
With an AB Social Grade score of 0, AB54 4LX has no residents in higher managerial or professional occupations, reflecting a community focused on other occupational sectors.
AB social grade score is calculated from Census 21 data, reporting people who have higher and intermediate managerial, admin and professional occupations.
Education Score
With an Education Score of 0/10, AB54 4LX has no residents with higher educational qualifications, reflecting a community with lower levels of formal education.
This score is based on educational factors, including the highest level of qualifications per output area as reported in Census 2021 statistics.
Credit Status Score
With a Credit Status Score of 9/10, this area boasts excellent credit ratings, indicative of a prosperous community with strong financial health and economic stability.
Based on average credit rating by local authority, adjusted and weighted with factors including unemployment, crime, deprivation, and income.
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Find out more about the people who live in AB54 4LX from Census 2021 data.

Property Scorecard
What types of properties are in the AB54 4LX neighbourhood, and how valuable are homes in this area?
Housing Affordability Score
With a Housing Affordability Score of 0/10, AB54 4LX is one of the least affordable, where high property prices far exceed the average household income, making homeownership challenging.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus property prices.
Rental Affordability Score
This postcode presents moderate challenges for renters, where rental costs are still on the higher side relative to what the average household earns.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus rental prices in this local authority.
Yield Potential Score
Investment returns in AB54 4LX are minimal, with low yields that may not justify the costs of property maintenance and ownership.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Transport Scorecard
How easy is it to travel to and from the AB54 4LX postcode?
Transport Score
The area benefits from good transport access, with a solid network of bus stops, parking facilities, and a nearby train station for commuters living in AB54 4LX.
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
Commuting Score
Commuting distances are fairly average, with many residents travelling moderate distances to work, though local job opportunities are available for some.
Score derived from Census 2021 data regarding commuting distances. Higher scores may indicate work hubs and major industries are closer, meaning shorter commuting times.
Car Ownership Score
Households in AB54 4LX typically have no access to cars or vans, likely relying on public transport or being situated in an area where car ownership isn't necessary.
Awaiting data and analysis
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Amenities Scorecard
What amenities and leisure facilities are available near the AB54 4LX postcode?
Green Spaces Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the number, size and population per park within the LSOA neighbourhood area.
Shopping Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the availability of supermarkets, shopping centres and other amenities in this neighbourhood radius.
Fitness & Leisure Score
Awaiting data and analysis
Calculated by determining the ratio of household income versus
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Education Scorecard
What are the local schools and further education like?
Educational Attainment Score
The majority of residents in AB54 4LX have no formal qualifications, indicating very low educational attainment across the community.
Educational attainment scores are calculated from Census 2021 data by resident's (age 16+) highest level of qualification.
Childcare Score
Childcare options are extremely limited in AB54 4LX, with no nearby services available for families in need of childminders or preschools.
Based on proximity, availability and accessibility of local childminders, pre-schools and childcare establishments within travel distance.
Further Education Score
There are no further education options in AB54 4LX, meaning residents have to travel far to access colleges, sixth forms, or universities.
Based on availability and proximity to further education establishments nearby, including six-forms, colleges and universities.
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Population 4,734
Located in Moray, Keith is a vibrant town known for its friendly community, stunning countryside surroundings, and historic whisky distilleries, making it the perfect place for those looking to enjoy a peaceful life in the heart of Scotland's scenic Speyside region.
Distance: 5.8 mi
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Aberchirder, located in Aberdeenshire, offers a close-knit community with stunning rural landscapes, rich history, and a warm welcome for those seeking a peaceful and picturesque place to call home in the Scottish countryside.
Distance: 6.8 mi