RedhillPostcode Map:
Redhill Postcode Town Location (UK)
Redhill Postcode Map Contains Ordnance Survey and Royal Mail data © Crown copyright and database right.
RH Postcode Wall Map

Redhill Outward Postcode (RH)

Click on an outward postal code below for more information about the area.

Each 'outward' postcode give you a comprehensive list of all postcodes within the outward code area (RH) and estimated address.

Click on an 'outward' code for more information. For example, the outward postcode page 'EC2M' will give you an alphabetical list covering all postcodes located in the region, from 'EC2M 1BB' through to 'EC2M 7YA'.


It is easy to think of Surrey as simply a rich suburb of London for wealthy commuters to spend their bonuses. But that would be to ignore some of the magnificent landscapes and important historical sites that lie at the heart of Surrey.

The Surrey Hills, for example, are quite beautiful and have been declared an Area of Outstanding Natural beauty whose lush valleys have inspired musicians, writers and artists for hundreds of years. Dotted around the hills are numerous charming and historic market towns with bustling markets and shops and a wealth of old English heritage.

From Runnymede Meadow in Egham and the Magna Carta Memorial (where King John met up with the 25 barons and signed possibly the most famous document in history) to the gorgeous county town of Farnham with some of southern England's finest Georgian architecture and a castle dating back to the 12th century, to Dorking, birthplace of composer Vaughn Williams and hundreds of other villages and towns, there are plenty of picturesque historic spots across Surrey. Most famous of all is Hampton Court Palace, built for Cardinal Wolsey by Henry VIII in 1514 and one of the most famous buildings in all of England. Similarly, the Royal Botanic Kew Gardens (the world's leading botanic gardens) are also impossible to avoid and one of the UK's most recognizable attractions.

Getting out and about there are famous sporting arenas such as the Oval for the cricket or Epsom for the racing. And for walkers and ramblers, bikers and hikers there are the Greensand Hills and the epic chalk hills of the North Downs Way and something approaching 6,500 acres of countryside to explore, including trails that run along the rivers Wey, Thames and Mole.

Lastly, for daytime entertainment of a different kind there is Chessington World of Adventures and for laid back nightlife there are the numerous bars and clubs of Guildford.


The Redhill postcode region (RH) contains 20 unique 'outward' codes. Redhill is the main postal town/district for this region, with all postcodes starting with the following outward codes.

This page contains a list of postcodes for Redhill area. Select a postcode to see the map location, demographics, house prices, local information, tourist guides and statistics:

Local demographics, guides and information

There's plenty of local information, guides and useful data to browse and explore, whether you're a Redhill resident or a visitor to the area.

Scroll down to discover all you need to know about the Redhill postcode area.

Local AuthoritiesRedhill

The RH postcode includes the following local authorities:

  • Chichester
  • Crawley
  • Guildford
  • Horsham
  • Lewes
  • Mid Sussex
  • Mole Valley
  • Reigate and Banstead
  • Tandridge
  • Waverley
  • Wealden

Surrey 2024 local elections results in full - see how your council voted

Here's what you missed from elections in Elmbridge , Mole Valley, Reigate & Banstead , Runnymede , Tandridge and Woking

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Surrey schools and teacher shortlisted for 'Oscars of education' as south east leads UK nominations

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Teacher lands Britain's Got Talent golden buzzer

Bruno Tonioli says Egham special educational needs teacher Taryn Charles is a "very special person".

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Surrey's Local Election results mapped in full as Lib Dems and Greens make gains

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Crawley and MK Dons' play-off game postponed

The League Two play-off semi-final first leg between Crawley Town and Milton Keynes Dons is postponed because of a waterlogged pitch.

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Theatre safe to reopen ahead of Raac works

Surrey Heath Borough Council has approved a budget of 175,000 to deal with the concrete.

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Tandridge Local Election results in full as Residents' Associations improve position and Tories lose seats

Every seat on Tandridge District Council was up for grabs including in Oxted, Godstone and Warlingham

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From the Postcode Area blog

Deciphering Crime Rates - a Deep Dive Into UK Postcode Analysis

Deciphering Crime Rates - a Deep Dive Into UK Postcode Analysis

Ever wondered about the crime rate in your UK postcode? You're not alone. We've dug deep into the data, uncovering trends and patterns that'll make your head spin.

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Death of the High Street?

Death of the High Street?

The BBC reports that despite councils' attempts to kurb them, the UK's high streets have seen a huge growth in fast food outlets. Could this mark the death knell for the Great British high street, and what can we do about it to halt its decline?

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Discrimination by Postcode

Discrimination by Postcode

You really couldn't make it up, could you? Some of the country's most vulnerable people are missing out on their weekly £25 Cold Weather Payment, just because the system that's in operation is discriminating against them because payments are based on postcode, rather than geographic location.

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The Redesign is Underway

The Redesign is Underway

Well, the current website was absolutely in dire need of a good redesign - from the ground up. So I set out to pull it all apart and get it up and running again to become the most comprehensive guide to every postcode in the UK. And it's been a long, tough job from start to finish - and quite possibly the biggest project I've ever undertaken.

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