Crime Rates by Incident Type

The following graph shows recorded crime between June 2017 and July 2018 in this LSOA area. Statistics are released by on a regular basis.

  UK AverageThis Area
Anti-social behaviour
Vehicle Crimes
Violent Crimes
Criminal Damage / Arson
Other Crimes
Possession of Weapons
NW Postcode Wall Map

Metropolitan Police ServiceTerritorial police force

Metropolitan Police Logo

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), formerly and still commonly the Metropolitan Police, and also formerly semi-formally called the Metropolitan Police Force, and informally referred to as the Met Police, is the territorial police force responsible for law enforcement in Greater London, excluding the square mile of the City of London, which is the responsibility of the City of London Police.

Contacts / Social Media


Facts & Figures

Area typeMetropolitan Police District (London region excluding the City of London)
Officers33,367 police officers
Budget£2.5 billionm annually
Area size1,578 sq km
JurisdictionEngland and Wales (includes Scotland and Northern Ireland for officers on close protection duties)


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

ISSUE: Mapesbury and Cricklewood SNT will continue to show uniform patrols along Cricklewood Broadway and Chichele Road as this is the hotspot for violence on the streets. We are in the process of arranging cross boarder working with Cricklewood SNT and Fortune Green SNT. The main issue surrounds around McDonalds on Cricklewood Broadway and the Broadway. We continually visit and speak to the management of McDonalds even though this is not on the ward but the violence does filter on to our side. We have noticed any violence on the streets stems from the Broadway on to Chichele Road towards Willesden.
ACTION: Provide uniformed patrols on Cricklewood Broadway.
Engagement with the local business.
Days of action planned with Brent council around A5 corridor.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

ISSUE: The burglaries across the ward have started to decrease after a significant increase in the last 6 months. Operation McAllen is still in place and will continue to focus around the burglaries across the ward. Visits and crime prevention is still being provided to the victims. The team have arrested 7 suspects for burglaries and are now in the process of putting a criminal behaviour order application together with stringent conditions. One of these conditions is not to be in Cricklewood. If any breaches occur for the criminal behaviour order then the individual is liable for arrest. The team will work closely with partner agencies and the ward panel members to tackle the burglaries.
ACTION: Provide both uniformed and plain clothes patrols

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

ISSUE: Anti-social behaviour is an issue across London. There has been issues with multi occupancy properties on the ward. We have closed two addresses down which was causing significant ASB issues and drug problem. The team have identified another two addresses and we are working closely with Brent Council and there legal team to close down both these addresses. We are working with homeless charities to try to support those that are in need of housing. There are a few hotspots which the team check on a regular basis and show uniformed patrols to tackle individuals using and supplying drugs. We have a lot of support from residents on the ward who help the police to try and take formal actions.
ACTION: Work with local authority and charities such as St Mungo's to help house the drug users and provide any safeguarding if necessary.
Undercover patrols.
Warrants and closure notices on worst offending properties. Such as HMO and unlicensed HMOs.

New Metropolitan Police priorities and concerns for this neighbourhood will be published here once they are announced by Metropolitan Police through the portal.

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